November 2006 (v9 i3)
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Need equations solved? I’m free this Spring
by Mike Kantor, Webmaster

Well, it is finally time to graduate, and I am glad to do it. It is my pleasure to release a parking spot back into the wild, hopefully you will appreciate waiting a little less for a drink on 6th since I will be absent from the bar, and lets not forget about all that contested first-floor UGL desk space I won’t occupy!

Travesty readers, thank you for continuously praising the paper. Everyone on staff pushes themselves hard to imprint these pages with the quality you’ve come to expect. Keep reading, and introduce it to new readers as well... I’m always comically surprised when meeting seniors who never heard of the Travesty.

To my many friends and companions, thank you for providing the occasional distractions from my curriculum and being such unique people. Collectively you are the canvas on which I’ve cast my college experience, so don’t fall out of the picture.

“Physics major huh? So what do you do with that?” Seek simple solutions to a complex world, then find someone to listen to you.

“Who are you again?” I’ve been the webmaster at the Travesty for almost three years, you know that site you visit daily and such: Maybe you’ve heard of me by the pseudonym KANTORRRRRRR? If yes then you already know what that’s about, and if you haven’t then... well, it would take too long to explain.

So that’s it. I tried the best I could. Honest. Can’t come with me on this trip, though. Last call for drinks. Bar’s closin’ down. Sun’s out. Where we goin’ for breakfast? Don’t wanna go far. Rough night. Tired, baby... tired.

No, seriously that was just a film quote. Peace, I’m off to conduct some serious snowboarding and whatever else alumni do with their lives.
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