• Conservative students won’t really care about the Democrats taking over the House and the Senate because they still have more money and a free ticket to heaven.
• “Go Vegan” pamphlets will be accepted as vouchers at local meat markets for the pigs feet eight-for-one special.
• People who claim they are taking it easy tonight secretly wish you would invite them downtown to get black out drunk.
• Shopping on the drag is a lot like running for political office. You end up spending twice as much money as you intended, and you have to ignore a lot of homeless people.
• Computer science majors will find comfort in the hope that the future will be more like the movie Tron.
• After initial surprise that a student contributing to the class discussion has a foreign accent, fellow classmates will, without qualms, turn and half-stand to see who it is.
• Did you hear that pink is the new GO TO HELL!!!
• Where there are black tights in class, there are camel toes. Where there are camel toes, there are boners. Where there are camel toes and boners, there is a party. Class is the new party.
• Girls who constantly brag about not being in a sorority are probably independent, well-adjusted women. And fat.
• Bevo bucks can buy you condoms at Jester City Market, but they cannot buy you self-assurance that you didn’t get her pregnant last night.
• Hey ladies, where’s the track meet?
• That Bob FM guy must be the most indiscriminate douche bag ever.
• Remember when parties used to involve cakes and presents and not binge drinking and STDs?
• Everything is better on a Mac. Everything.
• Hey your phone was ringing a second ago. I don’t know who it was.
• If it weren’t for science, the Hellraiser Honeys would have everyone thinking that body paint makes you fat and skanky.
• Girls who wear those colorful loose-fitting Mexican dresses are desperately trying to hide what they hope to be an ever-growing beer gut.
• That guy on a motorcycle who peels out at the Drag crosswalk is a badaaaassssssssss.
• Theater kids will be just as not famous and successful as RTF kids.
• Kansas State. Really?