November 2006 (v9 i3)
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November 2006 (v9 i3)

David Strauss

Features Editor
Bradley Jackson

News Editor
Kathryn Edwards

Design Director
Matt Hutcheson

Photo Editor
Veronica Hansen

Art Editor
Chris Friend

Associate Editors
Sara Kanewske
Stephen Short

Publicity Director
Erica Grundish

Writing Staff
Mike Faerber
Kelsey Lamb
Laura Schulman

Design Staff
Mark Estrada
TJ Sharp
Samantha Soper

Mike Kantor

Administrative Assistants
Sabrina Abdulla
Leah Finnegan
Jacqueline Fitzgerald
Frankie Marin
Jon Neal
Sara Nienkerk
Austin Presley
David Schwartz
Lesley Dixon

West Campus
Veronica Hansen
Mike Kantor

Matt Hutcheson

TV Ads
Matt Hutcheson
Samantha Soper

Lesley Dixon
Chris Friend

Matt Hutcheson

Mark Estrada

Mark Estrada

Mark Estrada
Chris Friend

Comedy Listings
Kelsey Lamb

Comics Of The Gaps
Chris Friend

Shout Outz
SVU; Sara and Veronica write the girl material; Teabag Tuesdays; Bradley’s no longer the cool uncle, and Sara’s not funny; True Life: I’m dating my gynecologist’s son; David not liking when you blow on it; The charicature that never was; “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”; Laura getting wasted at dinner; Vol-vo; Killer’s intervention; cuddle quiz; Sara’s hangover; Travesty Softball team; new people that fell off a cliff; an apple a day keeps the poor people away; laptop room with no wireless; jeans party; Kelsey storms in on Laura in the restroom; ridiculous moccassins; “ICE to meet you!”; Futile attempts to buy a piece of the agro crag; why must you taunt me?; Bradley “I veto things because I’m a dick” Jackson; getting pregnant while pregnant; letters to sisters; “I’ll do it, shit.” I could tell I could’ve been on better; velociraptors are fucking everywhere
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