November 2006 (v9 i3)
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Career Services lecture instills life-changing epiphany
by Stephen Short, Associate Editor

Goodman’s personality test results were blank,
which turned out to be a perfect qualification for
working in Career Services.
CAMPUS — Students in Professor Michael McDonald’s Latin American history lecture were inspired and energized to improve their job-seeking skills last Thursday after viewing a rousing presentation by Career Services adviser Michelle Goodman.

“I know I’m just a freshman, but that PowerPoint about résumé formatting made me realize that in three short years, I’ll need a steady source of income,” said Andrew Botwin as he registered for the Myers-Briggs career placement test. “I had no clue that employers noticed minute details like résumé length, font size or relevant workplace experience.”

Botwin added: “I’m so glad that Career Services does outreach programs like this, otherwise I would never have found the resources and critical skills I need to successfully start a lifetime career once I graduate.”

Along with résumé formatting, the Career Services lecture included vital advice regarding interview skills.

“Before Michelle came to class, the prospect of job-hunting was so daunting to me, but now I feel confident enough to make a great first impression to a potential employer,” declared Botwin as he tried on several interview outfits in the mirror. “Learning the intricacies of how to politely respond to tough interview questions with strong, dynamic answers made me feel so empowered. I still need some practice, but soon I’ll be able to walk into an Old Navy and land an entry-level position folding clothes in no time!”

Following the PowerPoint presentation, Goodman instructed students to list a mentor, an example of prior employment and one positive personality trait.

“Career Services thought they could pull a fast one on us with that quiz, but it was pretty easy to come up with thorough, thoughtful responses,” bragged Botwin as he wrote a rehearsal interview script. “My high school biology teacher really inspired me to pursue a degree in biochemistry, I was a camp counselor at the YMCA last summer, and my best personality trait is my integrity.”

Although Botwin enjoyed the Career Services lecture, a majority of students felt it was “a complete waste of time.”

“What the hell was Professor McDonald thinking?! I haven’t been to class in two weeks, and the day I actually make an effort to wake up before 2 p.m. so I could actually learn something, he schedules this incredibly boring and redundant career advice lecture,” bemoaned David Friedman. “And on top of that, my laptop gets horrible wireless reception in that room, so I actually had to sit there and listen.”

Friedman continued: “I did have some fun answering those questions she gave us, though. My mentor is that guy from Jurassic Park that shouts, ‘Shoot her, shooooot heeeeer!’ My previous work experience was having to sit through Urban Legends 2 and self-loathing is my positive personality trait.”

Before presenting another informative lecture to the “Bahama Mama” freshman interest group, Goodman explained her motive for assisting students chose their career path.

“When I went to school here I had a really tough time deciding what to do with my life,” said Goodman. “Eventually, I graduated with a degree in psychology, but I really couldn’t get a decent job, so I decided to go back to school to get a masters in sociology.”

Unfortunately, even after achieving a postgraduate degree, Goodman was woefully under prepared for the lack of job opportunities that awaited her.

“I saw an ad on the University’s Web site seeking a career advisor, and with my educational background in psychology and sociology, the job was a perfect fit,” explained Goodman. “Like I always tell my students, ‘Be all you can be!’”
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