November 2006 (v9 i3)
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Student not ashamed of sprint for bus
by Sara Kanewske, Associate Editor

That jacket keeps Mecklet almost as toasty
as the toaster streusel he ate this morning
for breakfast.

WEST CAMPUS — Junior Brad Meckler nearly missed the 10:42 a.m. West Campus shuttle to his 11:00 a.m. Intro to Chemistry lecture. In order to reach the bus on time, Meckler was forced to break into a full sprint for three fourths of a block. “No way was I going to miss that bus,” said Meckler trying to catch his breath. “That class is in Mezes, and I was not about to walk.”

Fellow bus riders greeted Meckler with mixed feelings of confusion and disgust.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw Brad actually run for the bus!” exclaimed Meckler’s friend, Jeremy Pruitt. “His hair was blown straight back like a three-legged Clydesdale, and his backpack kept slapping him in the ass because he wears it so low.”

Fortunately for Meckler, the bus driver prolonged his stop, giving the backpack-clad sprinter time to catch the bus. Although the doors had already closed, driver Andy Martin reopened the doors, allowing Meckler to enter.

“Normally I’m not type to stop more than the allotted 45 seconds, less if no one rang the bell,” explained Martin. “Sometimes, I even tempt the kids by pretending like I’m going to wait. But that kid looked so pathetic with his backpack pounding into him, I thought he might wake up tomorrow with sclerosis, so I waited a full minute-thirty.”

Despite students’ glares and degrading mental dialogue directed toward Meckler, his demeanor was unaffected. Upon entering the bus, Meckler wiped the sweat from his forehead and adjusted his shirt where it had come untucked and proceeded to smile at his fellow passengers.

“Yeah, there probably would have been another bus in a couple of minutes,” admited Meckler. “But I just didn’t want to take any chances.”
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