April/May 2006 (v8 i6)
Crossing Your Border 1997
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Outgoing editor can’t wait to make scrapbook, wedding plans
by Kristin Hillery, Editor-In-Chief

I’m not really sure what I would have wound up doing if I hadn’t come across the Travesty during my freshman year. At the time, it seemed like everybody on campus belonged to something — my roommate pledged a sorority and was always busy completing humiliating tasks for the girls’ acceptance, my homesick friends from high school were way too busy driving back home every chance they got, and those troubled youths who sat in the Jester courtyard and smoked 800 packs of cigarettes all day didn’t look like they wanted any new friends.

Just when I was accepting the fact that this enormous school contained an interesting group for every person except me, I found the Travesty and immediately fell in love with it. I hope everybody on campus can leave with an experience as meaningful as mine. (Winning the National Championship doesn’t count, unless of course you’re on the football team.)

I know what you’re thinking: “Now I get to read some girl’s pathetic inside jokes and look-at-me-I’m-thanking-everyone-I’ve-ever-met list? You might as well drive me to Vomit Island.” Well, you know what, jerk? That’s fine. It’s just too bad you lack an appreciation for original ideas.

The Travesty staff: My soulmates. I’ll miss camping out in the basement with you during deadline weekends, the pun-offs that just wouldn’t stop, being ironic at Exodus, and all those times we almost got our asses kicked. I feel so lucky to have been able to work with not only the most talented people in the galaxy, but my best friends.

Mom and Dad: Thank you for paying my tuition and calling me after every issue came out just to say how much you loved it. Sometimes when I think about how supportive you are of everything I do, I wonder if you’re playing a trick on me. But you’re probably not. You’re just really great parents.

Allison: Thanks for always giving me the most thoughtful, honest Big Sis advice — even when I said I didn’t want to hear it. If it weren’t for you, I would have never gone to school here.

Texas Student Publications, especially Kathy, Mary, Merry, Elena, Danny, Lisa, and Richard: Thank you for your patience, praise, and most of all, the opportunity. You provide students the best creative outlet on campus.

Wayne, Brad, Erica, and Brian: We started this year off without much funding, but your efforts in the advertising office saved the day. You’ve helped the Travesty get even bigger and better this year.

The Liberal Arts Student Division, especially Bobby, Karen, Tim, CC, Misty, and the gnats: Your general radness always makes me forget I’m at work. Thanks for listening to me talk about myself all the time. Even though I’m leaving, please forward e-mails that announce the presence of free food in the break room.

Jill: My favorite Olive Garden date. Thanks for never stabbing me in the back.

Todd: My large Frosty on a hot summer day; my newborn kitten amidst a field of toxic waste. I dream of trips to the abandoned school bus yard, an endless supply of Boone’s Farm, and never having to go a day without you by my side.

And finally, a big thanks to our readers, UT, everyone involved in the Austin comedy scene, and supporters of humor all over the world. It’s been a blast.

My main responsibility as editor was to always have homemade treats on hand.
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