April/May 2006 (v8 i6)
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April/May 2006 (v8 i6)

Kristin Hillery

Managing Editor
Bradley Jackson

Design Director
David Strauss

Associate Editors
Elizabeth Barksdale
Kathryn Edwards
Eric Seufert
Stephen Short

Writing Staff
Mike Faerber
Jen Goldstein
Veronica Hansen
Sara Kanewske
Kelsey Lamb
Toby Salinger
Laura Schulman
Christie Young

Lauren McDowell
Melanie Schaffrath
Laura Waltz

Design Staff
Mark Estrada
Chris Friend
Todd Mein
Adam Shackleton
TJ Sharp
Samantha Soper

Erica Grundish

Mike Kantor

Administrative Assistants
Sandy Arriaga
Jacqueline Fitzgerald
Travis Henning
Joel Lucas
Ben Mason
Garrett Rowe

Contributing Editors
Janice Chan
Jill Morris
Todd Ross Nienkerk

Cover Art
Chris Friend
Todd Ross Nienkerk

Veronica Hansen
Mike Kantor
Jill Morris
Samantha Soper

HOV Lane
Todd Ross Nienkerk

Space Immigration
Eric Seufert
Samantha Soper

MC DiaBetiK
Kristin Hillery

Comedy Listings
Kristin Hillery

Ask an Athlete
Samantha Soper
Kristin Hillery

Teen Flicks
Samantha Soper

Chris Friend

David Strauss

Fall Flowchart
Kristin Hillery
Bradley Jackson
David Strauss
Melinda Menstrual

Linda Ramsey
Chris Trew

Ad Sales
Erica Grundish
Jill Morris
Willy Loman

Lesley Dixon
Chris Friend
Veronica Hansen
Kristin Hillery
Mike Kantor
Todd Mein
Jill Morris
Todd Ross Nienkerk
John Roper
Stephen Short
Samantha Soper
David Strauss

Shout Outz
Four years of good times; everyone being sooo busy; That Other Paper; Jill’s fixation with Bradley’s blaster; free pizza for eternity; getting your MRS degree; Eric’s beard; Broseph’s ’Za Shop; girls just want to have fun; Kelly Clarkson; going home to hang out with high-school friends; Camden’s “energy” drinks; message board wars; “It’s too hard”; HEB closed for Easter; Bradley has a vag; “not getting” the Smashing Pumpkins; Stephen’s corsage for Veronica, talking about Spanish ad nauseum; lotsa matzah; Jan and Mike on page four; mustard is better; cue-linary or cuh-linary; not having free water cups at Wendy’s anymore; Glenn, our Onion friend; putting dead rats in cups; the Salt Lick; parallel parking on Sixth and getting yelled at by a bus full of drunk people; the Clit Brigade; Steaks on a Train; getting moles removed from genitals; smelly salads; returning batteries; borrowing a cap and gown; banana pudding every day; dresses made out of napkins; finally being told something first; the evil ring; Fireman’s #4; free dishwashers; puns.
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