April/May 2003 (v5 i6)
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Sniffle, sniffle: my last editorial goes down easy
Gratitude, uncharacteristic sappiness, inside jokes and fun
by Trevor Rosen, Editor-in-Chief

I didn't want my last editorial to end up some overwrought, maudlin thing about how I loved it so much and I'll always-miss-all-of-you-so-stay-sweet-and-never-change, but I'm afraid that this is going to end up a farewell piece after all, and so in some sense, it's going to be a little cheesy. Sorry about that, but I've got people to thank for things, and since expressions of gratitude are usually few and far between with me, don't begrudge me this last little bit. My thanks go out to the following:

The faculty and staff in Dean Lariviere's office—thanks for letting me (and more recently, Todd) have the cushiest, most responsibility-free job on campus for two and a half years—and not firing me for conflict of interest when I became editor of the Travesty. I learned a huge amount about the inner workings of the University during my time in your office, which became invaluable as I attempted to make fun of UT more accurately over the years. Thanks especially to Julie Sederholm, Joey Walker, and Dr. Brian Roberts for providing comic relief and assuring that at least three genuine adults would read the Travesty every month.

TSP, especially Mary Felps, Richard Finnell, Jean Hogue, and Kathy Lawrence—thanks for constantly putting up with our tardiness, rule-breaking, late applications, late awards, late board reports, late issues, late everything. Richard especially—sorry for always being such a pain in the ass. I hope our end-of-year appreciation gifts will leave you with fond memories—and heal any residual ass pain.

Todd Nienkerk and Aaron Stanush—thanks for never passing the buck, for always being around until it gets done, for raising the bar on everyone else, and for always being ready for the next round. You guys have kicked ass for two solid years now. I can't imagine doing this without you, and I wouldn't have wanted to try.

My parents (all three)—thanks for paying my rent, paying for school, and giving close to constant—although wary—support, year after year. I'm sure you're all hoping that my future career will involve things slightly less inane than the Travesty, but I'm not promising anything.

Friends (in no particular order)—Jessica Brackett, Josh Loving, Michael Schmidt, Laura Lanham, Scott Dubois, Rachel Olson, Erin Miller, Jonathan "Bonus" Schultz, Zein Basravi, Dave Dell'Osso, JW Walthall, Richard Catron, Ricky Vu, Jeff Norton, Austin Bonner, Matt Casey, Karen Ware, Kristin Ware, Bryan Hoeller, Dave Reid, Mike Kammerdiener, Andrew Schmidt, Andrew Newman, Brad Butler, Kathleen Galvan, Rachel Starnes, the entire Tejas Club (past, present and future), and the editorial department of Texas Monthly.

The Triumvirate of my favorite professors—John Ruszkiewicz, John Trimble, Charles Rossman. Thanks for the advice, the leniency, the editorial beatings. I learned more from the three of you than in most of my other classes combined; in all honesty, I think that 20 years from now, yours will be the only teachers' names I remember from college.

Beatriz—Thanks for being there every time I've needed you; for being equal parts girlfriend and partner in crime; for watching Scooby Doo and listening to Cypress Hill with me at 3 a.m. on a school night; for always being awake; for having no problem with—even liking—both Schlitz malt liquor and Van Halen; for finding my roommates hilarious when they could easily be annoying; for putting up with constant cell phone interruptions, my schedule, my mess, my email compulsion; for driving; for telling me to sleep; for saying it at the same time. I don't know if I'd have survived this year without you—you're all of God's money.

And finally, thanks to the University of Texas at Austin—for being fallible; for being funny; for being well-intentioned; for nurturing; for doing stupid things and laudable things and unjust things; for never shutting us down; for giving us material and workspace and constant challenges on nearly every level. And thanks to our readers, our fans, our critics and well-wishers. It's been a great four years.
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