• English professors are fully proficient with the classroom computer and video projectors but enjoy pretending to be absolutely inept.
• Crappy local bands will write their almost-clever names on the sidewalk because club owners refuse to put them on their marquees.
• The laziest bastards in the galaxy will take the elevator to the second floor of the UGL.
• Students unanimously agree that a five-degree drop in temperature provides ample reason to wear beanies and scarves, even indoors.
• KVUE News will be on the South Mall next Thursday to film an exposé on the fact that the George Washington statue is still there and is still a neat statue.
• Masterminds of political humor continue to cleverly point out President Bush’s lack of eloquence. Possessors of such cutting wit will also woo crowds with Austin Powers impersonations and unpromtped sexual innuendos.
• Being on campus is markedly less exciting on Tuesdays and Thursdays than Mondays and Wednesdays. This is somehow humorous.
• Guys who tuck their shirts in think they’re so goddamn refined.
• Students will rush into libraries between classes to check e-mail real quick, look at the lines of other people waiting to check e-mail real quick, sigh, and leave.
• Attention Ladies! Guys who wear too much cologne are down for anal if you are.
• A professor will say something amazing and revolutionary, which will set the ball rolling for all kinds of action and change, eventually leading to a better world.
• Conservative student groups will be handing out free newspapers, Bibles and beverages. Socialist student groups will continue to sell the same old shit.
• Jessica Simpson is such a stupid bitch.
• After skipping class, students will cringe as their professor walks by, forgetting that he has no clue who the hell they are.
• The same student group will continue to reserve the West Mall steps under a myriad of very similar names.
• The free PBJ’s on the South Mall are poisoned
with religion. Why else would they be free?
• One nerd will call another nerd menial and dumb. Being anything but, the second nerd will prove the other nerd wrong by using Donald and Goofy to defeat Ursula in Kingdom of Hearts.
• A certain conservative campus publication's camouflage newsstands are dangerous, not because of the hate-mongering propoganda they carry, but because they are splintery pieces of shit.
• UGL bathroom goers will wear a look of stupefaction as they ponder what the plastic orange fencing around the restrooms could possibly mean.
• Cheerleading remains unnecessary and just plain goofy.