“Assume that everyone is trying to kill you.”
100% Pantone black
Paranoia is the best policy. Or is that just what they want you to believe? |
“Mostly everyone is trying to kill you.”
80% Pantone black
Yes, 80% Pantone black is a deadly shade. Gaze deep into its hue; feel its wrath. |
“Even your parents are trying to kill you.”
60% Pantone black
Is that monthly check laced with anthrax? Better give it to us to be safe. |
“This alert system is trying to kill you.”
40% Pantone black
Paranoia is the best policy. Or is that just what they want you to believe? |
“I am trying to kill you.”
20% Pantone black
Watch out, because I’m a terrorist looking for a putz like you to waste a carefully-crafted shoebomb on. |
“You’re already dead.”
0% Pantone black
If the government issues this apocalyptic warning, chances are that you won’t have to worry about paying taxes. Or getting that much-needed ‘C’ in Bio. |