October 2002 (v5 i2)
Exposing the plight of the student body since 1997
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Terrorism Alert Coding System
If you're anything like us at the Travesty you're thoroughly perplexed by the government's use of a color-coded systme to guage terrorist activity day to day. What exactly differentiates a 'Blue' day from an 'Orange' day? And why did they pick colors to begin with? Why not just have names that range from "Relatively Less Horrific" to "Run for the Fucking Hills" or maybe even "Move to Canada"? Behold, our solution:

“Assume that everyone is trying to kill you.”
100% Pantone black
Paranoia is the best policy. Or is that just what they want you to believe?
“Mostly everyone is trying to kill you.”
80% Pantone black
Yes, 80% Pantone black is a deadly shade. Gaze deep into its hue; feel its wrath.
“Even your parents are trying to kill you.”
60% Pantone black
Is that monthly check laced with anthrax? Better give it to us to be safe.
“This alert system is trying to kill you.”
40% Pantone black
Paranoia is the best policy. Or is that just what they want you to believe?
“I am trying to kill you.”
20% Pantone black
Watch out, because I’m a terrorist looking for a putz like you to waste a carefully-crafted shoebomb on.
“You’re already dead.”
0% Pantone black
If the government issues this apocalyptic warning, chances are that you won’t have to worry about paying taxes. Or getting that much-needed ‘C’ in Bio.
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